
Map Details for DotA v6.76c AI 1.1.3 En: DotA v6.76c AI 1.1.3 En by IceFrog Choose from 110 unique heroes in an epic battle to defend the Ancients.More information at www.PlayDotA.com It is an Un-official version of Dota AI-maps and originated from PleaseBugMeNot's DotAv6.74c AI 1.3b'HOPE'. By Ciel Rate this map: (121) Good - (22) Bad. DotA 6.76c Download by IceFrog. Dota-Allstars 6.76c Map. Balances and bug fix. DotA v6.76c.w3x (7 MB). DotA 6.76c AI Map is going to be the next big thing after official map. DotA v6.76c AI will take weeks to release because of massive amount of changes from 6.75/6.76. The developer PBMN will have to sucessfully implement each and every change in a sequence to make the AI map work.

DotA 6.76 Map is now officially out. This update was a little unexpected because everyone thought that they might have to wait another 6 months for new update but IceFrog proved them wrong. The DotA 6.76 brings a new Tag Team game mode, heroes stat adjustment and a few abilities remake. You can now download v6.76 and read it's patch notes.
DotA 6.76 Map Download:
DotA v6.76.w3x(7.81 MB)
* Put the map in 'Warcraft 3MapsDownload' directory after getting it. You must have Warcraft 3 TFT v1.24e or above to play this map.

DotA 6.76 Changelogs.
- The patch notes are posted separately, You can read DotA 6.76 Changelogs.

In the past few versions, IceFrog has modified nearly every hero and it's mechanics. This has changed the metagame significantly, the games are now much quicker and gank oriented. Thanks to IceFrog for this great map!
- DotA 6.76b
- Dota 6.76 AI

Take a look on this Dota 6.76c ChangeLog :

Stampede cooldown increased from 65 to 120/90/60
* Stampede duration rescaled from 3/4/5 to 3.75
* Stampede damage slightly reworked from 100/150/200 + 2x str to 0 + 1/2/3x str (no base damage)
* Stampede mancost increased from 50 to 80
* Stampede AoE reduced from 120 to 105
* Drow's base armor decreased by 2
* Marksmanship focus AoE increased from 375 to 400
* Last Word manacost from 100 to 115
* Living Armor cooldown and duration decreased from from 20 to 15
* Living Armor manacost decreased 30/35/40/45 to 25
* Fixed an exploit with Enfeeble allowing it to be perma stuck on the enemy in some situations
* Fixed some lag when Centaur initially casts Stampede
* Centaur restricted from Captain's Mode
* Fixed a couple of bugs with -TagTeam mode
* Fixed Force Staff shop hotkey
* Fixed various tooltip
DotaDota 6.76 CNB:
There are still unfixed item price on 6.76c. Take a look on Mask of Madness. It price 900 on beside it's name, and 1000 on below.

Centaur restricted from Captain's Mode, that mean Centaur is still imbalance. I play many time with this new Centaur. Stampede is just too good which removes unit collision and increases movement speed of all allied units on the map and has its damage output provided by running through enemies, temporarily stunning them.]

Dota 6.76 Cheats

Drow Ranger
Drow's become more dangerous on 6.76 with the changelog on.6.76b. Look like because of it's ultimate skill(Markmanship) which passively provides bonus agility and if there are no nearby enemy heroes, your focus improves and the bonus agility is doubled, Drow's base armor decreased due to its improvement.

Dota 6.76 Chaos

Dota 6.78c Farewell Ai Map Download

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