Member Favorites: 3,387 | Naru Kotoishi (琴石 なる)Age: 6-7Birthday: August 14 A girl in first grade who lives on the Goto Islands. She lives alone with her grandfather and frequently hangs out at Handa's house. Her personality is cheerful, childish and hyper. She usually thinks after she does. Proved by the many times she disobeys Handa. Voice Actors
Recent Featured Articles Some characters are funny because of all the crazy antics they get up to. But others just have the right kind of physiognomy, which make them prone to pulling off some funny anime faces - intentionally or unintentionally. |
Barakamon Mijikamon
List of all characters from Barakamon and Handa-kun.

Barakamon Manga
List of all characters from Barakamon and Handa-kun. Seiyuu: Daisuke Ono 23 tahun, seorang kaligrafer pro. Seorang pemuda yang tidak bisa bersosialisasi dengan baik, pemarah, aneh (bagi penduduk desa) namun dibalik itu semua dia sangat baik dan disukai oleh semua warga desa juga mempunyai jiwa pekerja keras dalam bidangnya dan tidak mudah menyerah Naru Kotoishi Seiyuu: Suzuko Hara.